About Me

Hi there! I'm Anna, an enthusiastic illustrator and graphic designer based in St. Paul, Minnesota. At a young age, I developed a strong interest in art which has helped formulate my creative characteristics. This has remained a significant part of who I am. Graphic Design is always around us, and learning how to communicate in a visual manner inspires me, and also challenges me to create. My ability to be flexible with my clients needs is the basis of my work. I like to let my work speak for itself and believe that adapting to all styles of design will allow me to continuously grow as a designer. My art is what describes me, rather than words on a page. I create because it makes me happy, people happy, and most of all makes the world a happier place. After all, isn’t happiness what life is all about? :)
I live by the quote, "Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire"